The New Year always offers a chance for a fresh start, and is a perfect time to take inventory of your health. The new heart app called <30 Days (by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada) is a Free iPhone Healthcare and Fitness app with the goal of helping you identify your potential heart risks. By taking a simple health-related assessment, you?ll categorize your risk factors in the order of importance, get healthful suggestions, and be motivated to work towards heart-healthy goals. These goals are attained through simple and practical daily challenges that span over 30 days to ?baby step? you from bad habits to a healthier future ? and a healthier heart.
After agreeing to the standard Terms & Conditions and Privacy policy, you?ll be on your way to taking the quick health-risk assessment. At this point, you?ll answer some basic questions: gender, age range, ethnicity, family history (for cholesterol, stroke, blood pressure, diabetes, etc.), conditions (depression, sleep apnea, etc.), and your height and weight to receive a BMI (Body Mass Index) number. This heart app provides a slider feature that automatically gives you a BMI result based on your numbers entered in (Underweight, Healthy, Overweight, and Obese). Your BMI number determines if you?re underweight or overweight by taking into account your body fat in comparison to height and weight factors.
The <30 Days heart app also takes into account a few other factors like your weekly eating habits of fast foods/fatty foods and good food like fish/fruits/vegetables, time spent exercising, stress level, salt intake, whether or not you smoke, and your alcohol consumption. After completion (it?s not as long as it sounds), this app identifies the general lifestyle factors you need to work on ? my 2 focus areas: Stress and Nutrition. Depending on your answers, you may have more or less. You prioritize your suggested areas of improvement (1st place, 2nd place, etc.) so that this heart app can formulate your daily challenges based on your focus areas; I placed Stress in the number 1 position.
Aside from its simplicity, I liked how this Free heart app encourages change without making you feel guilty in any way; it?s up to you to determine your motivational level for change (low ? high end of slider) and prioritize your preferences. You?ll also have to choose a motivator/reason for change, which is to help keep you on track (with the option to add a photo too). When done with the assessment, it?s immediately off to the daily challenges. There are 30 challenges, 1 challenge a day or more if you want to finish sooner than the allotted 30 days. You can either accept the daily challenge or ?pick again? for another challenge.
My challenges were very easy and practical: ?For Each hour you sit at your desk or computer today, roll your shoulders and head once or twice.? ? ?Try some poached halibut for dinner tonight? (I was surprised to find some meal recipes in the different nutrition challenges) ? ?Eat only orange fruits and vegetables today.? With every accepted challenge, you?ll be informed of the benefits, and get a few more simple ideas. This heart app does the work of keeping track of your daily progress: challenge priorities, number of challenges completed, awards earned, and the number of days to go till you?ve completed your <30 Day challenge ? complete with virtual awards earned (medals, ribbons, and trophies).
I actually found this simple heart app a pleasure to use for its user-friendly interface and practical everyday challenges that are easy to complete. I mean, how hard is it to avoid coffee several hours before going to bed? The tasks are practical, simple, and relevant to training yourself towards positive lifestyle changes. The whole point of this Free heart app is not to be a complicated ?over-the-top? medical app, but a simplified app that won?t frustrate the ?everyday? person. If you?re looking for a Healthcare & Fitness app to help you identify potential heart risks and bad habits (that put you at risk), give healthful information and challenges, as well as motivational support, then check out <30 Days and you?ll be well on your way to a healthier you.
Download Heart App <30 Days Heart Disease and Stoke Awareness App Now
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Customer ratings:
Updated: 10.09.2012 |
DescriptionThe Heart and Stroke Foundation?s The Overcoming unhealthy habits and reducing risk factors can be overwhelming, so the app helps you achieve a healthy heart by suggesting simple and practical daily challenges. Plus, it provides reminders, positive reinforcement and social support to help you sustain your new healthy lifestyle. The beauty of the app is its simplicity: it just takes 30 days or less ? one simple step at a time ? for a lifetime of good health. What's new in Version 1.1.2Bug fixes |
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