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This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "End of the World as We Know it."
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I'm going to be lonely for the rest of my life...
why you say that?
because i have 0 friends.........

deathrisesagain - Member for 2 years
Yay! I am excited for this one!

pandalover - Member for 3 years
me too, i've been wanting to do a survival rp for while. I just hope we can keep it going.

deathrisesagain - Member for 2 years
I promise I will stay committed as long as you are!

pandalover - Member for 3 years
Have you heard of the band The Drive By Truckers?

pandalover - Member for 3 years
No i have. Honestly, if they aren't country, then i probably never heard of them. I listen to country, and don't really know much band outside that type.

deathrisesagain - Member for 2 years
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